Healing Words with Ramah

Joyful Healing Coach, Channel and Medical Intuitive Quantum Healer

“Being healthy, vital and joyful is your birthright!”

Claim it!

Kat A.- Testimonial

“My experience with Ramah was truly incredible. Ramah is such a genuinely kind, compassionate, and skilled healer. She made me feel immediately at ease and communicated clearly what I could expect. I was amazed by her ability to see the places within me that needed healing. The actual healing itself was a humbling experience. I felt peaceful and held in a profound way. Ramah also offered me follow up ideas to help support and continue the healing. I have noticed a big shift in my body since my appointment. I have seen my pain decrease and my energy and sense of wellbeing increase. I feel rejuvenated both physically and mentally. I can’t wait to work with Ramah again.”

Healing Services

  • Medical Intuitive Session

    Identifying and transmuting areas of dis-ease that are causing health issues and pain that may or may not have received a formal diagnosis.

  • Quantum Chiropractic

    Identifying and transmuting areas of dis-ease that are causing structural and physical misalignment, degeneration, and pain within the musculoskeletal system.

  • Quantum Detox

    Identifying and removing Heavy Metals, Spike Proteins, Epstein Bar Viruses, Mold and all other invaders causing the body dis-ease.

  • Medical Intuitive -3 Session Package

    If you have been dealing with a health condition for several years .. more than one session may be required. Consider purchasing a 3-session package at a reduced price.

  • Quantum Chiropractic -3 Session Package

    If you have been dealing with musculoskeletal issues for several years .. more than one session may be required. Consider purchasing a 3-session package at a reduced price.

Joyful Healing Coaching and Courses

Joyful Healing-1:1 Coaching

Through Joyful Healing 1:1 Coaching you will receive a full assessment, healings, tools, resources, and guidance in raising your vibration to facilitate healing and joy. In our 2x monthly sessions, I hold space for you to experience your personal and heart centered journey.

Joyful Healing-Group Course

This group is to help individuals grow into their inner knowing and expression of Joy. As a group we will work on steps to open up to Joy and to share our growth and blessings along the way. If you are interested in this expansive and joyful course please contact me for more details.

Health and Nutrition Services

Health and Nutrition Assessment

In this session you will receive an individual health and nutrition assessment addressing vitamin, mineral and dietary needs to improve: Digestion, Sleep, Brain function, Memory, Mood, Energy, Hormones, Skin, Hair and Nails, Weight management and decrease Pain and Inflammation.

Harmonic Weight Alignment

In these sessions we will address the physical, emotional, and spiritual disrupters in achieving a harmonious weight for your optimal health. This is only being offered as a 3-session package due to the complexity of the topic. For more long-term support, I recommend the 1:1 3- or 6-month coaching program.

Discovery Call

  • Are you intrigued but not sure if this is for you?

  • Do you want to meet me and get to know my story?

  • Do you have questions about what to expect in a healing or coaching session?

  • Are you unclear which service is right for you?

For $20 you will receive a 20 minute 1:1 Zoom call with me to answer your questions. A healing is not part of this offer. However, if you book a healing session or a coaching package within 24 hours of the Q & A session, your $20 will be applied to the cost of your service.

Looking forward to meeting you!

Miracles, Signs and Synchronicities

Free Monthly Sharing Circle

This is a group for everyone to share their miracle, signs and synchronicity experiences. So many of us are having the most miraculous experiences and do not have a support system that relates or believes. This group has been created out of the need I see in the world right now for support, acknowledgment, and encouragement on our awakening journey.

Attending this group, you will receive:

  • Acknowledgment and appreciation of your experiences.

  • Magic in seeing others recognizing the miracles all around them.

  • Knowledge that your guides and angels are always there helping and sending you signs.

  • Spending time with others on the journey of awakening to all the magic and beauty this life has to offer.

  • Q &A and group healings.

I hope you will join us for these Free monthly calls on the first Monday of each month at 1:00 pm pacific time. Click the “Join us” link below to sign up to receive the monthly call zoom link.

My Story…..

I have been on my own healing journey for most of my life and have been continually disappointed with the medical systems inability to diagnose and treat health conditions effectively. In my search to heal myself, I let go of everything that I thought was ME, and went on a spiritual journey. This journey led me to open up to my divine purpose as a Medical Intuitive Quantum Healer.


Jody B.

“Wow. what an amazing healing experience I had with Ramah. I have been in chronic pain every day for the past 10 months following a complete hamstring tendon tear surgery. I have tried many different modalities to bring relief but all failed. I was beginning to feel this would be a life of trying to manage my pain, but I was wrong. After just one miracle session with Ramah, I have NO pain in my leg and back anymore. This healing brought me to tears as I felt the grace of her gift. Thank you, Ramah for the most divine healing I have ever experienced!!”

K. Anderson

“My healing with Ramah was Amazing! It not only had a significant impact on my overall health and wellbeing, but it had a very specific impact on my autoimmune disorder. I struggle with ITP, an autoimmune bleeding disorder that results in the destruction of platelets (the cells that are needed to form clots and stop bleeding). One week after my first session with Ramah, my routine blood test showed that the level of of platelets in my body was higher than it had been since first diagnosed. My levels more than doubled! I was completely amazed and so grateful.”

Leanne S.

 “Just finished a wonderful healing with Ramah. She is so in tune and connected. She was born to help others. By the end of our session, I felt rejuvenated and at peace. I highly recommend a healing from her.”

Mary S.

“I do not have any more nerve issues in my legs :) :) Thank you.”

Justine F.

“Ramah’s medical reads are amazing! I bragged about her so much that my son and my friends all want to book a session.”

Brenda A

“Ramah is the perfect combination of compassion, integrity, and knowledge. Her reading inspired my journey to health and wellbeing. Ramah’s insights were accurate both in knowledge of past heath issues and current concerns, which in my case, were also validated by medical professionals. The balance of sincerity and humor created an enjoyable experience as she identified concerns and addressed issues. The session left me feeling rejuvenated and empowered to enhance my health. I highly recommend this process and this gifted healer. “

Cathy T.

“Ramah is deeply connected to her guides and gave me a detailed and spot on evaluation of my health and wellbeing. She is a very healing conduit and I plan on using her healing abilities again in the near future. Thank you Ramah!”


“Ramah is a gifted intuitive healer. I instantly felt safe in her presence as she has a very calm and loving energy. Ramah is able to view and interpret all systems of the physical, emotional and etherical body. I recommend Ramah 100% to anyone that is struggling physically, emotionally or spiritually. ”

Lora S.

“I had the pleasure of working with Ramah for my overall health and it was a remarkable experience. She was observant, kind, and incredibly in tune with my energy. She was able to make recommendations that have really made incredible shifts in my overall health and have propelled my spiritual development. Needless to say, I will be seeing her again for more sessions!”

Melissa P.

“I just did a healing with Ramah and it was one of the best things I could have done for myself. She really hit the nail on the head with everything and I feel much better. I will be doing this again”

Meesh R.

“Ramah used a holistic approach to physically heal my hip and lower back. Her techniques also left me feeling lighter, relaxed, centered and at peace. She is very warm and welcoming. I am looking forward to my next session. ”

Majory 0.

“I had a remote session with Ramah, you maybe questioning if that works, it does! Ramah knows what she is doing and is very connected to spirit when providing the healing. For me it was just phenomenal… it really helped me and I definitely felt better afterwards.”